Dream Create Inspire

Our statement regarding COVID-19.

Any business that relies on the public coming together is currently in a scary situation. From broadway closing its doors to airlines laying off huge numbers of staff- the situation looks bleak. As entertainers, we believe we have a responsibility, not only to respond accordingly to this crisis for the wellbeing of our supporters, but also to ensure you are not without entertainment in this troubling time.

Like Disney who have generously fast-tracked the digital releases of recent titles (Star Wars, Frozen 2) for the sake of those in isolation, we will be discussing our strategy for keeping you smiling.

It is too early to tell whether COVID-19 will have any affect on our current planned programme of events as we can’t be sure how long the virus will plague us for. It seems, with a potential cure discovered by Australian researchers, good news may be closer than we initially expected.

We will be keeping an eye on the news and updating our strategy accoringly. Rest assured, we have plans in the works.

Stay safe and keep smiling!

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